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Monday, October 25, 2010

Should Have Known, Right?

I should know by now that Charlotte doesn't do ANYTHING on anyone's schedule. It's all about her, baby.

Her lungs are still wet and she's back up to 1/2 L oxygen. The doctors are playing with her diuretics to find the proper combination for Miss Charlotte.

Maybe she'll come home Wednesday? We're hoping, but don't tell her.


  1. Oh dear. I'm just catching up on your lovely blog. I was thinking that you were home, enjoying all that is Fall and Caleb and Charlotte. Sorry to hear you are back at CHOP. I'm sure the right combo will be found for Miss C. She likes it just right! Or so everyone who's ever cared for her has found out... Love and (a germ free) hug to you all.

  2. i tell ya, girls are hard!! :) they have their own agenda! (i'll be hoping she decides her agenda includes HER house, very soon.)
