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Friday, July 23, 2010


Charlotte is scheduled to be transferred to CHOP on Monday. Of course, that means she probably won't be transferred until Tuesday, since that's how things just work, but for now, Monday is the plan. Depending on the results of her test, she may be able to come back to Chester County to "learn" how to feed/breathe. If she does "poorly" on her tests, CHOP will be her new home.

It's a bitter-sweet goodbye to Chester County. We've loved the staff there, and the idea of getting used to a new NICU-- one that's much more intense, and much larger-- is rather intimidating. But we know CHOP, so it's not too, too scary.

We just don't want to say goodbye to our friends at CCH. While all good things come to an end, I can't believe we might be closing this chapter in our NICU story.


  1. Good luck with the transfer. I'm thinking of Charlotte Amalie and I hope she does well on the swallow tests!

  2. Good luck Charlotte!!!
