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Monday, November 22, 2010

My Latest Plan

Dear Blog Family-

I've been writing out my Christmas lists, and while I'm about 95% done with Christmas presents, there is one things that I'd really, really like to do this year.

I want to make baskets for the families who are in the NICU on Christmas. Obviously, not every family spending Christmas there will be celebrating Christmas, but it is the Holiday Season, and the stress involved with having a child in the NICU is pretty intense.

I'm asking you all to send me a greeting card (or two or three or ten) that I can put in a basket for NICU families. A card that says, hey, we know the NICU can be stressful, but there are people you don't even know thinking about you. A card that lets families know that others understand, that others are supporting them. A card that tells families they are not alone. I'd love to include pictures that your children have drawn, or notes to the families, or anything. These will be generic baskets, so it doesn't need to be anything specific, but I'd love to have a bunch of cards per basket, and I'll be making 15 baskets (so I'm hoping to get 45-60 cards).

Also, if you can include a gift card (restaurant, gas card, food, or cash) for a family, that would be wonderful. Nothing makes having your child in the NICU over a holiday "better" but it does help to know others are thinking of you. I know this time of year can be financially tight, so if a gift card is not possible, please, don't hesitate just sending a greeting card. I'm really excited about this and I'm even more excited to have you all involved.

Thanks so much!


I'll probably have an axe murderer come find my family, but oh well...

You can send the cards to:
529 Main Street
Parkesburg, PA 19365

Please don't stalk us, kidnap our children, or light our house on fire. (Our kids are high maintenance anyway).

PS again-
If you have sent a card or are going to send a card, please leave a comment or send me an email so I can make sure I have everyone's. Also, I promise to send you all a picture of the baskets you help create. Thanks so much!!


  1. I'll definitely try and help out with this Amanda. I'm not sure if "before and after" pictures of Bobby would be encouraging, or seem like I'm shoving pictures of my 10 lb baby in their faces... what do you think?

    (Hehe, MY TEN POUND BABY!)

  2. Amanda-- you are an inspiration-- I will send some cards and maybe even force my 3 year old to do some drawing or have Eloise do some fingerpainting :)

    Andrea-- congrats on your 10 pounder!

  3. Amanda, I'd like to send cards. Is there anything I should keep in mind when writing messages, since I've never been through the experience of the NICU or having kids?

  4. Delina- That would be awesome! Since I can't comment on the specific situation of each family, I'd just say something to the effect of, "Just wanted you to know that there are people thinking about you and your little one during your time in the NICU. We are wishing you the best for this Holiday Season." Something like that. It doesn't have to be anything big, just a note, letting people know that others are thinking of them. Thanks again!

  5. I agree with Amanda-- keep it simple-- let them know positive energy for NICU babies is being sent into the universe. Avoid statements like your baby will be home before you know it. Thank you for wanting to watch out for us NICU moms/ graduates :) It means a lot!

  6. I'm in...I'll send some cards and have my roommates give me some as well. Great project!

  7. We'll do some cards! I was trying to think of a way to get my kids involved in a charitable activity this holiday season, and this seems like a great way to do it. What is the deadline?

  8. We're going to take them over Christmas morning, but I'd like to have all the cards and everything by the 20th of December. Thanks so much!

  9. I'll send a couple. I don't know if you're taking any to CHOP (It's kind of out of the way, so I assume you probably aren't), but if you are, it'd be nice if my cards went there since I work there and see a part (the blood) of a lot of the NICU patients. That wasn't meant to be gruesome at all, just my job. ;-)

  10. oh oh me me, I want to send some cards. And just to make it extra special I'll have the artist in our family draw the pictures. I just have to figure out when Marlee has time!
