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Thursday, September 30, 2010


I know I just posted about another family who needs some help, but sadly, there is a lot of suffering in the world.

If you get a chance to check out this family's blog, you'll read the story of a mother. You'll read that two weeks after delivering three healthy babies, she suffered a major brain hemorrhage. She's been in the hospital for ten days. She was extubated today and she's working hard to make it back home to her babies, but she has a bit of a fight herself.

Isn't it a miracle how many times this whole getting pregnant/being a mom/having children/growing old thing works? There are so many things that can go wrong, so many people who struggle to do the very things that others find so easy. It really is a miracle that it works as many times as it does.

So say a prayer tonight for those times it doesn't work, for those people who struggle.

Thanks for making our stumbling block into a stepping stone.


  1. i really am amazed that babies are even born healthy and mom's can just walk out of the hospital. my heart hurts for this family, i can't even imagine. i'll definitely send traffic that way...and prayers.

  2. Love this post Amanda...so true! And praying for this beautiful young mother of newborn triplets. Mom
